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Board of Architectural Review

Established in 2006 by Greenwood City Council, the Board of Architectural reviews and recommends to the Council all designations for individual historic properties and historic districts within the City of Greenwood.  The City of Greenwood has adopted two historic overlay districts - the Uptown Greenwood Historic Overlay and the Old Greenwood Village Historic Overlay.

Regular meetings of the Board of Architectural Review are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 12:00 PM. Meetings are held on the second floor of City Hall (520 Monument Street) in the City Council Chambers (Room 207).

Items considered by the Board of Architectural Review typically require public notification in a local newspaper and written notification to adjacent property owners. Applications (download application) for a Certificate of Appropriateness must be received 20 days prior the next regularly scheduled Board meeting to be considered.

 Should you require additional information, contact Carol Coleman at (864) 942-8716 or Draper Carlile at (864) 942-8417

Uptown Greenwood and Old Greenwood Village Historic Overlays

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